19 July 2009

Sibling Bonding

There is not much that we can do until we get the 2nd home study and get a recommendation from the social worker in writing to take to the courts. I am not sure where this rule comes from that we have to have 2 post placement home studies done before we go the the courts to adopt. As far as I can tell India does not place this restriction. Our adoption agency says we can adopt after the first post placement study. The hired social worker says we can adopt after the 2nd pps. Someone ain't telling the truth or someone don't know the facts. In either case I have my hands tied until I get that recommendation to take to the courts. As they say just roll with the machine. Frustrating as all get up in the meantime.

Miss Camille has taken her first side trip out of the state to the mid-west. I was a bit apprehensive about shoving her onto a couple of planes to get to the plain states. She handled the adventure quite nicely. She may be a bit de-sentised as we are near a small muni-airport and we get a couple of planes a day running the pattern near the house. Single engines low and high wing and a bi-plane trainer painted a nice blue and gold.

Backing up from when she arrived in March she has made great strides. Th first 6 weeks were extremely rough for everyone. She had crying jags at the top of her lungs that lasted almost an hour. When that wasn't doing it for her she gave us poopy pants. Just lovely. I think one week I was bucket washing about 8 pairs of panties.

Here is what her younger sister thinks of that – ooooh schtinky.

Unfortunately for her we are like the Borg. Resistance is Futile, You will be assimilated.

I got confirmation of the assimilation when last week we took her older sister Kermit to pre school. When she got home she went to the middle of the living room floor and started one of her crying jags that we had not had in over a month and a half. When questioned about it she said she misses her older sister and wants her back!



  1. Awwww, so sweet about wanting her big sis back! Now little Miss Coalinga Butt, better watch those schtinky butt faces.

    Can't wait for 'Camp Aunt' with all three!

  2. Is your hs agency telling you 2 reports. Mine tells me California requires 4 reports before you can file for adoption in the court.
